Saturday, March 19, 2011

Japan Collection - 19 March 2011

I am very pleased to report that Rotarians from Colchester Centurion today raised a total of £1174.79 to help those that need it most following on from the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan.

Waitrose Colchester very kindly allowed us to collect donations from their very generous customers all day on Saturday.

During my afternoon shift with Robert Bartholomew, I was overwhelmed with the generosity from the people of Colchester, that is of course bearing in mind that Comic Relief raised c£74M just yesterday for great causes in the UK and Africa, it seems to me that people are ready, willing and able to help those in need, wherever they are in the world.

Also I had a good chin-wag with Robert on all sorts of matters Rugby, Sports Cars, and Wake-boarding, which his son's are expert in.

Fellow Rotarians attending the Olympic Village in London, on a superbly organised trip, by Leisure Time Tours were raising funds too!

We were asked on several occasions, how the fund would be distributed, which I feel is a perfectly legitimate question, given the well-publicised concern regarding costs incurred by charities for administration, advertising, and more recently commissions paid to street fund-raisers.

Rotarians are able to answer this question very confidently, as every single pennie raised goes to where it is needed.

Rotary has access to Shelter-boxes, which contain emergency shelter, which can be deployed very quickly in disaster situations.  Today, we had at Waitrose a demonstration aquabox, a mobile water purification system which we can also get to where it is needed most.  However, the current reports we are receiving suggest that most of the emergency requirements that the Japanese people have; are being adequately met, and that they have no immediate need for the shelterbox or aquabox.

We will therefore be able to linkwith a fellow Rotary club in Japan, find out what they have need for, and send them the cash, with the absolute confidence it will be used where needed, as Rotarian Mike Hogg would say 'Gratefully received and faithfully applied'

Thank you again to everyone for their generous support.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Malaysia Report - President Pauline

In January 2011 a party of twelve club members and spouses enjoyed a two-week visit to Malaysia to visit the two projects we support a  Children's Home and the Penang Hospice. 
The Precious Children's Home in Kuala Lumpur was the first visit.  We met up with Rotarian and Past President Balram Menon with  members of the Inner Wheel of Petaling Jaya and the twenty four children who live in the home. We had tea and presented gifts and Rotary dictionaries.  For all of us, this was a most moving occasion and we were able to speak with the Home's Administrator to plan how our club can continue to support this worthy project.
Whilst in Kuala Lumpur (KL), the party took part in the 50th Charter Anniversary dinner of the Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya our fellow Rotary Club which also supports the children's home. This was a grand occasion with their Royal Patron - the Sultan of Selangor present. It was a magical evening set in a beautiful ballroom with over 670 people present. 
In this first week in K L, we were also able to experience the diversity of the different cultures.  We enjoyed a delicious array of cuisines from when we dined in elegant surroundings, inexpensive restaurants and on the streets from the many hawker stalls.  We experienced shopping in the grand shopping malls of the city, Central Market, China Town and Little India and we visited the Petronas Towers with a guided tour of the city which included a visit to the King's Palace, the contemporary-styled Masjid Negara (National Mosque) and the Merdeka Square, where Malaysia's independence was proclaimed on 31st August 1957.
Our second destination was Penang, northern Malaysia.  Again with our guide we enjoyed visits to Suffolk House, Fort Cornwallis, Khoo Kongsi or clanhouse, the Botanical Gardens, the Temple of the Reclining Buddha, the Kek Lok Si Temple where the 36 m tall bronze Goddess of Mercy towers over the  city and we sampled fruit on a fruit farm and smelt spices at a tropical spice garden.
We visited two Rotary clubs in Penang, the Rotary Club of Georgetown, Penang and the Rotary Club of Penang.  It was interesting to meet these fellow Rotarians and hear of their ongoing projects and we were able to tell them of our projects at home and in Malaysia. Weexperienced the a truly international welcome for their Rotarians, from every continent present at these meetings!

In Penang we visited our second project the Penang Hospice.  We were welcomed by Dr Devaraj, the Medical Director of the Hospice and Vice-Chairman of the National Cancer Society of Malaysia.  We visited the current headquarters of the Hospice and Dr Devaraj gave us a presentation of the Hospice at Home Programme they run.  We were told that the hospice is looking to purchasing a piece of land on which they plan to build a bungalow where once again they will be able offer both care at the patient's home and hospice home care.  Once again we are  looking at ways in which we can support this venture in the future.
For us all it had been a trip of a lifetime and it has enabled us to enjoy and see what Rotary can do worldwide!

Barn Dance Fun!!!

Who could imagine so many of our club are completely unable to follow instructions?  Over 100 people joined in the fun last Saturday at the club's first Barn Dance with hilarious results.
The Assembly Rooms at Dedham provided a stunning backdrop with guests enjoying a Pie and Mash supper before dancing the night away to Skylarking.
When I heard that we would collectively be spending the evening doing... "Dip and Dives", "Swing", "Ladies Chains" and "Stripping the Willow" I wasn't sure we were that kind of club, little did I know they were all dances!!  I clearly had much to learn. 
Steve, the band's caller, joked that the classes of 7 year olds he teaches seemed more coordinated but what we lacked in talent we made up for with enthusiasm and a lot of laughter!
I don't think any of us will be winning Strictly but we had such a good time we are thinking of making it an annual "do-si-do" !

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rotary Club of Colchester Centution Grows from Strength to Strength

Colchester Centurion welcomes two new members, Jennifer Crafford and Stephane Derone to the club.

A very warm welcome from all centurions to Jennifer and Stephane!

(please click the picture below to view more)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Colchester Centurion Supports "Connect" In Pakistan - Pauline Dean, Club President

In July 2010 Dr Talat Pasha came to speak to our Club about her work in Pakistan as a doctor and as a Soroptimist.  She explained that this is an organisation of professional women who through service projects,  look to advance the rights and status of women. 

Dr Pasha told us they had created a charity called ‘Connect’.  Then the floods struck and 20 million people were misplaced.  Connect Rehab is a project which the Rotary Club of Colchester Centurion is happy to support.  

We pledged £1,000 sterling to them and with the help of the Pakistan Army they have taken trucks to the remote Thatta District where they have been able to distribute essential food supplies, kitchen utensils, lanterns, clothing, sandals and water purifying tablets to families in the stricken areas.  

Dr Pasha tells us that they are now collecting warm clothing and blankets and they are looking towards repairing some of the damaged homes in the area.  This video clip shows the amazing work of ‘Connect’.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The 633 at Army Family Fun Day - Craig Fookes

What I can I say! it was a huge honour to be asked to play at this event, myself and the other members of the band jumped at the chance.

We played alongside "the Jacob Project" - they were great!

Mike Deans, our lead-singer had served in Afghanistan and our band has always been well received by the members of the armed forces based here in Colchester; so We were very proud to be a part of the day which was a great success!